Hello and welcome to Monkeys With Tablets!

This page is designed to give you some quick information about this site. If there is some information that you feel is missing and should be here, please feel free to email me about it.

  • About Dan
  • About the Website
  • Vote Links
  • Portal Links
  • Legal Information

    About Dan - Back To The Top

    Dan is a Canadian software engineering student who enjoys writing, drawing, music, and comedy. There really isn't that much else to say ...

    About the Website - Back To The Top

    This webcomic isn't really about anything in particular. It's just random, cute, funny little nothings that come to mind. And after all, aren't those the best things to come to mind? I'd like to say so. There's no specific thing about it, except that more often than not it will most likely be about animals in some way.

    The comic updates on Wednesnday or Tuesday and Friday, alternating between the two each week. So, some weeks you get one update, some weeks you get two! It's a roller coaster of an update schedule!

    Vote Links - Back To The Top

    The vote links found on the main page are for you, the reader, to help me out. The more votes I get on those websites, the higher my comic will be ranked, and the more people will come to see it. But there's something in it for you, too! Everytime a new comic is posted, an alternative ending, or a bit more to comic as it were, will be available to see by voting. Isn't that so kind of me?

    Portal Links - Back To The Top

    The Portal Links are the found on the main page underneath the voting links. Clicking them will allow you to jump to other, more content specific, websites of mine. They are as follows (from left to right):

    - (G.ol.D) Main Icon: This will direct you to main website
    - (G.ol.D) From The Canvas: This will direct you to the website housing a showcase of pictures I've created.
    - (G.ol.D) By The Pen: This will direct you to the website housing pieces of writing I've written.
    - (G.ol.D) A Bit To Byte: This will direct you to the website housing programs I've created.

    Legal Information - Back To The Top

    Good Ol' Dannyboy, Good.Ol.Dannyboy, G.ol.D, or any variation found on this or any other website refering to any of the above are all aliases of Daniel Alvarez. All content and final pictures including website design are © Daniel Alvarez 2007.

    'Final pictures' refers to the final version of pictures, whether they have elements from other sources. As such, some images originate from outside sources and are copyright to their respective owners. These images are never used in full and in their original forms, but are manipulated and redone.

  • Website design, content, and images © Good.Ol.Dannyboy 2007 All rights reserved
    Comic automation and hosting provided by ComicGenesis